St Peter’s Harrogate


Latest News

THE TODDLER GROUP at St Peter's Church returns

Thursdays 9:30 – 11:00 am

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

- Tuesday 25th May at 7:00 pm in Church.

Christian Aid Week

10th - 16th May 2021 Visit the display highlighting the work of Christian Aid in the Glass Foyer.

Revision of Electoral Roll

- if you are not already on our Electoral Roll then please fill in an electoral roll form and return it to the Parish Office by 10th May.

St Peter's reopens for in-person worship!

as from Thursday 11th March

Youth Confirmation Course

starting at St Peter's on 18th April 2021

St Peter's Easter Card Competition

create a design for our 2021 Easter Card

Online Rhythm of Life Lent Course

starting on 24th February at 11:00 am

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