St Peter’s Harrogate


Latest News

#The Light Shines

12th - 19th December from 5:00 - 8:00 pm

Bell Ringers' Peal Attempt

St Peter's Church on Remembrance Sunday

Knit a Poppy

Could you knit poppies for our Remembrance Sunday display?

Tickets for Oliver!

- are available now - for 4th - 6th Nov - £10 for adults, under 16s go free

J S Bach Mass in B Minor

- Friday 8th October with guest soloists, St Peter's Choir, Vocalis and Harrogate Bach Players

St Peter's Annual Animal Service

- is on Sunday 3rd October at 4:15 pm.

Harvest Sunday - 3rd October 2021

This year we are supporting the work of Christian Aid.

Battle of Britain Service

- Sunday 19th September 11:00 am.

Men's Breakfast at St Peter's

- returns Saturday 18th September at 8:00 am

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