St Peter’s Harrogate


Latest News

The Licensing of Catharine Davies

The Bishop of Ripon, Helen-Ann Hartley, will license Catharine for Licensed Lay Ministry at 6:30 pm, Sunday 20th September, at St Peter’s Church.

Sanctuary is BACK!

Our youth group are meeting at Valley Gardens on Sunday 20th September at 2:00 pm.

Organ Recital by John Longstaff

- Monday 31st August at 2:30 pm streamed live from St Peter's Church

Gilbert & Sullivan service

- 11:00 am on Sunday 16th August

St Peter’s Ladies who Lunch

- are meeting again on Wednesday 26th August!

New Contactless Sunday Offerings

- contactless payment will be available in Church from Sunday 16th August

Update on face coverings

From 8th August, face coverings will be required by law

Preparing to come together to worship …

the first services with a congregation will take place at St Peter's on Sunday 26th July 2020

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