St Peter’s Harrogate


Parochial Church Council (PCC)

The Annual Meeting
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) takes place in May when we gather to review the past twelve months; elect Churchwardens and new Parish Church Council (PCC) members and Deanery Synod Representatives; to hear reports and ask questions; and to look to the year ahead. 

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) 2024 takes place on Tuesday 21st May at 7:00 pm at St Peter’s Church.

Annual Meeting Official Booklet 2023
Annual Review 2023

If you wish to stand for election to the PCC or as a Churchwarden please complete a nomination form and hand it in to the Parish Office before the meeting.
PCC Nomination Form 2024
Churchwarden Nomination Form 2024

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the executive committee of the Parish and consists of clergy and churchwardens, together with representatives of the laity.
Legally the council is responsible for the financial affairs of the parish and the maintenance of its assets, such as churches and church halls, and for promoting the mission of the church. 
The PCC is directly involved in discerning the church’s priorities for mission and ministry - and in supporting and monitoring the achievement of those goals.
More detail about the work and the responsibilities of the PCC is provided in the following documents:

How we conduct our meetings
An introduction to the PCC for New Members

The current composition of the PCC
Chair: Chris Clayton (Associate Vicar)
Vice-chairs: Sian Lockwood and Mo Atkinson (Churchwardens)
Secretary: Rachel Fell
Treasurer: David Hipkin
Deanery Synod Representatives: Hannah Beck, Catharine Davies, Helen Camm.
Clergy members: Alan Garrow (Vicar), Judith Clark (Curate)
PCC Members: Lance Burgess, Roy Taylor, Stewart Davies (Environment Officer), Felicity Ho, Ruth Thompson-Vear (Occasional Preacher), John Longstaff (Director of Music) Ian Birt, Kate Blake (Safeguarding Officer), Bella Blake, Michael Burlison, Jan Edwards (Lay Pastoral Minister) and Catherine Medforth (Head Sacristan).
PCC meetings take place at least six times a year and its AGM is usually held each May.

Previous Minutes of the PCC

Minutes for PCC 30th January 2024
Minutes for PCC 28th November 2023 (AG)
Minutes for PCC 26th September 2023
Minutes for PCC 27th June  2023
Minutes for PCC 28th March 2023

Minutes for PCC 24th January 2023
Minutes for PCC 29th November 2022
Minutes for PCC 27th September 2022
Minutes for PCC 28th June 2022
Minutes for PCC 29th March 2022 - Youth
Minutes for PCC 25th Jan 2022 - Open Church
Minutes for PCC Nov 2021 

Minutes of PCC 28th Sept 2021 - Awayday Review
Minutes of PCC 29th Jun 2021 -
Minutes for PCC 23rd Mar 2021 - 
Minutes for PCC 26th Jan 2021 - Breakfast Club Recruitment
Minutes for PCC 28th Nov 2020 - Environment Policy

Minutes for PCC 14th July 2020 - Re-opening St Peter's
Minutes of PCC 30th June 2020 - Re-opening St Peter's
Minutes for PCC 26th May 2020 - Safeguarding
Minutes for PCC 28th April 2020 - Lockdown Response
Minutes for PCC 28th January 2020 - Altar Frontals
Minutes for PCC 26th November 2019 - moving forward from PCC awayday
Minutes for PCC 17th September 2019 - What is the best way to conduct our meetings?
Minutes for PCC 16th July 2019 - Why does the PCC exist?
Minutes for PCC 11th June 2019 - Why does the Church exist? 
Minutes for PCC 2nd April, 2019 - Safeguarding and Finance
Minutes for PCC 5th March 2019 - Welcome, Inclusion, Respect (additional notes)
Minutes of PCC 29th Jan 2019 - Vision and PCC Structure
Minutes of PCC 27th Nov 2018 - Pastoral Care
Minutes of PCC 16th Oct 2018 - Children and Youth
Minutes of PCC 18th Sept 2018 - Lay Leadership
Minutes of PCC 26th June 2018  
Minutes of PCC 20th March 2018 
Minutes of PCC 20th Feb 2018
Minutes of PCC 30th Jan 2018 




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