St Peter’s Harrogate


Latest News

St Peter’s Good Friday Prayer Walk 2025

A circular walk of reflection, meditation and worship to Pannal, starting in St Mary's Chapel at St Peter’s Church at 9:00 am and returning to Church by 2:00 pm to attend the 'An Hour before the Cross' service.

St Peter's Ladies who Lunch are back!

After a break, the Ladies who Lunch are back and will be meeting again at 12:15 pm on Friday 11th April 2025 at the Nomad Café on Beulah Street, which caters for various dietary requirements. If you would like to join them for food and fellowship, then please contact Sue Heapy (07540 355 305 or, so she can book you a place at their table.

Performance of Bach St Matthew Passion

Wednesday 16th April at 7:00 pm in St Peter's Church with St Peter's Choir, Vocalis, Choristers of Leeds Cathedral and Harrogate Bach Players.

The renewal of the Church Electoral Roll 2025

The Church Representation Rules require that every Parochial Church Council maintains an electoral roll. Electoral Rolls need to be revised annually. Once in every six years, the preparation of new church electoral rolls takes place, which means that everyone must come off the roll and re-apply. The next occasion for the preparation of new rolls is in 2025.

Pancake Party at St Peter's

Tuesday 4th March from 6:00 – 7:00 pm, with games, fun and - pancakes. Open to everyone, donations welcome!

International Women’s Day in Harrogate

WWII veteran Sheila Pantin will be sharing her inspirational life story on Friday 7th March at 2:30 pm in St Peter's Church. This talk will launch 'WOMEN WINNING', a year long project for International Women’s Day 2025. This event is free, no booking required.

Christian Aid Refreshment Day for the people of Gaza and Lebanon

This Saturday 15th February from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm our local Christian Aid group are planning a Refreshment Day in Church to raise money for the people of Gaza and Lebanon.

The Big Conversation about Food

Food matters – spiritually, emotionally and physically. At St Peter's, food is part of every aspect of our life together: our worship, fellowship and service to the community. Together we run many activities that include food. Food helps us connect with each other; it helps us connect with God. It really matters! That is why we want to hear your voice in The Big Conversation about Food at St Peter’s.

Morning Prayer is back online!

Morning Prayer is at 8:00 am and Evening Prayer at 5:00 pm daily. Both are now available on our Facebook page - just click the link at the foot of every page.

The Lunar New Year at St Peter's Church

Come and join our Hong Kong community as they prepare to celebrate the Lunar New Year on Saturday 25th January from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in St Peter's Church.

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