Our youth group, Sanctuary, held a Talent Show on Sunday 12th July online. They hoped to raise £400 for Open Arms Malawi and Stand by Me – two charities working with vulnerable children in the world's poorest countries.
So far, an amazing £605 has been raised! Lots of people took part (more pictures below) and many more watched. If you would like to know more about the charities or to donate please visit these Just Giving pages:
for Open Arms Malawi https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/SanctuaryStPeters2
for Stand By Me https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/SanctuaryStPeters
or pop an envelope marked 'Talent Show' into the donations box in Church.
Well done to Chris Clayton, who had agreed to have custard poured over his head – the more money raised the greater the amount of custard – I think this might have been the full 15 litres!