Their Majesties The King and The Queen Consort hope the Coronation Weekend will provide an opportunity to spend time and celebrate with friends, families and communities. Here's what's happening at St Peter's:
Saturday 6th May
Teas and coffees will be available at St Peter's Church from 10:00 am. The BBC coverage and the Kings Procession will be shown on the screens in Church. The Coronation Service starts at 11:00 am and is expected to last an hour. After this a free Coronation Lunch of sandwiches and cakes will be served. Please sign-up on the sheet on the Welcome Desk if you would like to come.
Sunday 7th May
Both the 9:30 am Family Communion and 4:15pm Stepping Stones services will have a Coronation theme. There will also be a more formal celebration at the 11:00 am Civic Coronation Service, when Professor Richard Morris will be preaching.
Monday 8th May
12:00 – 2:00 pm St Peter's Coronation Picnic As well as joining in with The Big Coronation Celebration in the Valley Gardens, everyone is invited to gather there for a 'bring-your-own' picnic. Meet at the lower entrance to the Valley Gardens at noon, or text Alan Garrow's mobile (07761 017 658) for a WhatsApp guide to our location. If wet, we will gather in St Peter's Church instead.