St Peter’s Harrogate


Breakfast Club




Hot food and drinks are available to anyone who needs them every morning from Monday to Saturday starting at 8:15 am and finishing at 8:45 am. 

If you have food you could donate to the Breakfast Club, please place your donation in the big wicker basket by the West Doors in Church or arrange for collection by calling Carole Raw on 07425 161 425



The story of Breakfast Club 

Some years ago, one of our regular friends, Joe, who had been homeless for seven years, came into St Peter’s one weekday morning. He was offered a cup of coffee, to which his reply was: “I’d love one. I haven’t had one for three weeks.” Today, in spite of all Christ’s teaching, there are still people living in Harrogate, who have no bed, no home and no access to a cup of coffee.

Joe was given a cup of coffee that morning, and every morning after that there was a cup of coffee available for anyone who wanted one, immediately after Morning Prayer. There soon developed a regular small group of people who had been sleeping out, joining in fellowship, and warming themselves with a hot drink. After a time, we started making cheese and ham rolls as well and occasionally some cup-a-soup.

We have approximately 14 volunteers, working on a rota basis, serving hot drinks, fruit juice, cereals, home made broth, and our speciality, poached egg on a cheese and ham toastie. Bread is provided by Betty’s and we also receive food from Sainsbury’s. On Christmas Eve we provided a full Christmas dinner at 8:15 in the morning, including presents for everyone. Our members, who change all the time, can number up to 24 on any morning, and the fellowship, discussion, fun and laughter are as important as the food. We have had a Breakfast Club wedding, baptism and confirmation, as well as funerals. Many of our members have wonderful success stories which they share with us – they are all part of St Peter’s family.

If you'd like to find out more about Breakfast Club please ask to speak with one of the Clergy. 

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