Our postal address:
St Peter’s Church
Cambridge Road
Harrogate HG1 1PB (see it on a map)
Administrator - Carole Raw
Mobile: 07425 161425 (office hours)
Email: stpeterschurchhgtoffice@gmail.com
The Parish Office is open 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Feel free to call the office phone number
10.00am - 5.00 pm Monday - Thursday
10.00am - 1.00 pm Friday.
Vicar - The Revd Dr Alan Garrow:
Mobile: 07761 017658 (day off Friday)
Email: alan.garrow@gmail.com
Associate Vicar - The Revd Chris Clayton
Mobile: 07407 258733 (day off Monday)
Email: chris.clayton@leeds.anglican.org